I really dread the task of walking the dogs (2 miniature schnauzers). Especially out here in the country where we seem to have wind 24/7 (except on those really hot days when we want it!). Especially here in Ohio, where the weather just can't seem to warm up for longer than a few hours, once a week. Ugh. I'm full of dread just writing about it!
However, over the course of the last year, my father has gone through his last days of cancer and died, my brother was diagnosed, treated for, and cured of prostate cancer, my youngest son started tests to determine what might be wrong with him neurologically, and I have had enough physical tests to last me a lifetime to rule out everything under the sun (that's right, there's nothing wrong with me) other than adhesions in my abdomen.
I've also homeschooled two children, lived through parenting a 17-year-old son through his senior year, and have bolstered my husband through a horrible work situation.
Anything else? Oh yeah, I got a crown on one of my teeth. But the positive side of that is that the dentist also took the time to fix my TMJ! Halleleuia!
Where was I going with all of this and what does it have to do with walking the dogs?
My point is that these walks have kept me up and mobile. This past year was enough to drive me to my bed. I wanted nothing more than to stay there with the covers over my head ... I know that sounds cliche, but it's the truth. And there were days when I did just that. And cleaned up pee in the house later. (Yep, some days I'd rather clean up messes than walk dogs in the cold, wind, and rain.) {It should be noted that my house does not stink from this failure thanks to an amazing product we use, which I would love to plug here, but I don't want you to stop reading my blog because you think I'm trying to sell you a product. If you're interested in knowing more, message me.}
But I digress. Again, my point is (this is what it's like to talk to me in person too!) ... my point is that instead of holing up in the house, and in my bed, I have been forced to get up and out. I got exercise and fresh air and a little sunshine once in a while. And I did it every day, a couple times a day. One of these dogs won't "go" anywhere except in his regular spots in the ditch during our walks ... he MUST be walked.
And guess what? I survived the year. I didn't die from grief, depression, exhaustion, or apathy. My children made progress in their learning thanks to my teaching, and we all managed to find something to eat most days.
Thank you, Joey and Rudy, for needing to be walked. Thank you, God, for your Sovereignty, for knowing what I would need, and for providing it. Amen.
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